For a Free approx. phone quote or to set up an in-person estimate, please fill in our submission form below and someone from our company will be contacting you within the next 24 hours or sooner. If it’s urgent you can contact us at (773) 209-7499 Anytime during our business hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM or Saturday 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, our company is closed on Sundays and all major holidays. You can also schedule an appointment when talking with one of our remodeling/flooring specialists or send us a request for your free quote by email:
Please note: Quotes by phone or Email are just approxmatied and not a guaranteed price, if you wish for something guaranteed, you must set up an appointment and have one of our professionals come out to review your project.

ElmWood provides customer satisfaction with up to 5% OFF Price Match Guarantee.

The difference between hiring ElmWood Flooring Construction Co. vs. another remodeling flooring company out there, is that we offer our customers and clients everything they are looking from one company without having to hire multiple companies, ElmWood truly is your one stop shop for everything Flooring and Remodeling wise having the best highly trained and passionate-detailed employees that care about every customer. Also, ElmWood Flooring offers All types of products along with Eco-Friendly., We are known for the best warranties in our industry, 12 months up to 10 Years as specified in our contracts, terms and conditions on products and terms of services. (Ask us for Details) CONTACT US TODAY    773 – 209 – 7499 

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